Historic Jerusalem Mill Village

Performance & Tea: “Mary Jemison, White Woman of the Genesee”

First Day Hikes on January 1st

A Christmas Carol Presentation at Lee Mansion

Wreath Making at Lee Mansion

Jerusalem Mill Classic Car Club

“Kitchens, Smokehouse and Privies” Lecture and Tour

Jousting Tournaments

Music in the Meadow
”Great Train Robbery”

Vintage Plate Garden Art Workshop in Lee Mansion

Vintage Baseball

Family Fun Day

Music in the Meadow
”Bad with Names”

Music in the Meadow
”Charlie Zahm”

Music in the Meadow
”Ain’t Misbehavin’”

Music in the Meadow
”The Melting Pot Big Band”

Peter Rabbit Visits the Village

Wisdom from the Ancestors
Food and Medicine

A Tour of the Village

A Dickens Cocktail Workshop in Lee Mansion

A Must Watch Video of Jerusalem Mill Village
Scenes from the Village during the Holidays

Shelly Davies Wygant Book Signing at Lee Mansion

Rain Barrel “Make and Take”

Cub Scout Pack 877 Bridging Ceremony

C.A.R.E. 5K Walk/Run

Around the Village
