Hours, Grounds and Activities
Village Grounds
The village grounds are open to the public from sunrise to sunset. There are picnic areas throughout the village and miles of hiking trails. Several of our buildings are open to the public during the times indicated below, subject to the availability of our limited volunteer staff.
Although there is no charge to use the grounds for picnics, family photographs, etc., and no entrance fee to visit the buildings that are open to the public, we hope you’ll consider making a donation to help us preserve and maintain this part of the country’s history. Just click the “Donate” button above.
Village Buildings
All buildings are open during the following hours, except they are closed on Easter and Christmas. Please note that only the village buildings listed below are currently open to the public. Other buildings are either private residences or are currently undergoing preservation or restoration.
Visitor Center in the Grist Mill
Begin your journey through Historic Jerusalem Mill at the Visitor Center - Museum, located in the original 1772 Grist Mill, where docents take you through village history; and where displays, artifacts and photographs bring the village to life. The Visitor Center - Museum is open Saturdays from 10 am - 4 pm and Sundays from 1 PM to 4 PM. Also open most weekdays from 8 am - 3:30 pm. (Closed on March 29 for our Bull, Shrimp & Oyster Roast.)
McCourtney’s General Store Museum and Gift Shop
McCourtney’s General Store Museum displays original and replica items that create the ambience of shopping in the days before department stores, malls and internet sales. Our Gift Shop is also located in the General Store building, and is a great place to shop for unique, reasonably priced goods that include a few items made by our own crafters. The General Store Museum and the Gift Shop are only open on Saturdays during January & February from 1 PM to 4 PM. Starting in March, the hours will be Saturdays and Sundays from 1 PM to 4 PM. (Closed on March 29 for our Bull, Shrimp & Oyster Roast.)
Blacksmith Shop
Watch our skilled blacksmiths use authentic tools and techniques to make a variety of items that were needed by local businesses and residents. The Blacksmith Shop is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1 PM to 4 PM. (Closed on March 29 for our Bull, Shrimp & Oyster Roast.)
Miller’s House
Experience family life in the 19th century, by visiting the Miller’s House behind the mill, where period-attired interpreters will describe cooking methods, social life, gardening, and more. Stroll through the vegetable and flower garden to see what the villagers grew for personal use. The Miller’s House and garden are open Sunday afternoons from 1 PM to 4 PM.
The Lee Mansion
Open Saturdays 1 PM to 4PM or by appointment (410-877-3560). The Lee Gallery houses rotating art exhibiis and is located in The Lee Mansion. For the past two years, volunteers and contractors have been restoring this late 18th century home. (Closed on March 29 for our Bull, Shrimp & Oyster Roast.)
The Springhouse, just east of the general store, is open on Saturdays from 1 PM to 4 PM. Step inside and see how 19th century families stored perishable foods in the days before refrigeration. The springhouse is still fed from a natural spring, which helps to keep the inside temperature at about 56 degrees.
All times listed above are subject to the availability of our volunteer docents and history interpreters. If you’d like to help us extend our open hours, please consider becoming a docent or history interpreter. There’s no prior experience or prior knowledge of village history required. We’ll help you with both! Just call us at 410-877-3560.
Educational Field Trips
Educational field trips to Jerusalem Mill Village enhance the grade 4-12 social studies curriculum with hands-on and other history activities, and are just plain fun. Please contact the Education coordinator at 410-877-0080 to arrange a tour at reasonable per-person fees. Learn more under our Living History Tab, by clicking here.
Hiking, Biking, Horseback Riding
Jerusalem Mill Village connects to miles of trails along the the Little Gunpowder Falls, open to hikers, bikers and horses. You can pick up a free trail map in our Visitor Center or at the parking lot kiosk, or you can print one at home using one of the following links:
Little Gunpowder Trail Map Starting from Jerusalem Village
Topographical Map of trails including Jerusalem Mill
Gunpowder Falls State Park Maps
In the Village, there is a 24-car hard-top visitor parking lot. Additionally, there are three visitor and two handicapped hard-top parking spaces in the circular driveway in front of the Mill.
Occasionally, such as for special events, we open grass fields for overflow parking. The main overflow area is directly across the street from the paved parking lot. Horse trailers can park in the hard-top lot, when available, or may contact us to make arrangements for parking in one of the grass areas. Park at your own risk in any of our parking areas.
Vehicles parked on the side of the road on Jerusalem or Jericho Roads will be ticketed by the police.
Private Event Reservation
The Village has many unique features that can be used by individuals and organizations for private events. The Friends of Jerusalem Mill can reserve portions or all of the Village to accommodate your special event. See our Private Event Reservation page for fees.

The Village of Jerusalem

Music in the Meadow - Summer Concert Series

Vintage Baseball

First Day Hike (January 1st)

Jousting Tournaments

Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford